Access your application more easily with just a few keystrokes!

At the time of this opportunity, I want to share one application that help my daily work activity in my office.

At least this application is very helpful for me, and for someone who is accustomed to run applications without having to click “Start menu” and find the programs that we want to run,or find the desktop icons or on which folders this applications installed.

launchyThis application is called “Launchy”. Launchy is a free windows and linux utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager. Once the program is installed then we can use it is very easy; 🙂

How to ?

First, just press “ALT-Spacebar” and then it will display the application.
Secondly, we can type applications that we want to run so then Launchy automatically displays a list of the program installed on our system related to the word that we type and enter to run it.

Through this application we can also directly use Google / Yahoo ( or any search engine ) to the Internet by just typing “{name of search engine}: (case / something that we want to find)” . For example : “google rici” ; and just enter it so our browser will open using “rici” as the keyword of Google search engine. Even that we can use this application to access our file manager directly by just type your file path.There still a lot of configurations / plug-in you can embed it on this applications.

So far, this application make my job quite effectively and hopefully useful for you too 🙂 This application can be run under windows and linux as well; check and you can use this freeware application from .


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